Sunday, April 1, 2018

#horses - #Herd bound?

Herd bound?

I got a 4 year old appendix gelding 5 months ago. The girl I bought him from only had 1 other horse so he is used to riding alone. At our last barn, I was pretty much the only person that rode so we were always by ourselves and he was okay with it. I just moved him to a new barn two days ago. This is a busier barn, and he is okay with other horses in the arena with him but as soon as they leave he freaks out and won't stop calling out for them. He did this in the barn too when we were tacking up. I lunged him for a bit and he started to calm down after a while but what should I do to get him to be okay with other horses coming in and out? Is this just something he will get used to?

Submitted April 01, 2018 at 11:18AM by Pupsandotherstuff
via reddit

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