Tuesday, February 13, 2018

#horses - #Questions: How long have you been riding, do you have your own horse, favorite riding style, and favorite breed?

Questions: How long have you been riding, do you have your own horse, favorite riding style, and favorite breed?

Hi everyone. I'm new to this thread, so I thought a good way to get to know you all would be to ask some questions and introduce myself. 1. How long have you been riding? I have been riding for fourteen years. I started when I was five and I'm almost 19. So I grew up in the saddle, so to speak. How about you guys, when did you start? 2. Do you have your own horse? I got horses from a rescue shelter when I was about 8. The shelter bought them at a livestock auction in Ohio and took them back to where I live. We adopted them from the shelter and a lot of horses came and went from our family after that. In all, I think we owned about six or seven horses. Some were from rescue shelters. Other horses came from families who neglected their horses, people who could no longer care for them due to financial issues, or people who just decided they didn't want horses anymore. When I was about 15 or 16, my neighborhood became really unsafe to ride in because of all the crazy kids on dirtbikes who refused to stop when I rode by. My horse is terrified of any vehicle that makes loud noises, echoing sounds, or loud bangs, so he couldn't handle the dirtbikes. I eventually got into a nasty accident that involved a bone bruise and nerve damage, and I decided that I'd send my horse to live with a family friend who needed horses desperately for special needs therapy, and I'd go visit when I have the time. I currently ride and train a Haflinger owned by the same people who have my horse, and my friend rides my horse. Do you guys have your own horse, or do you lease/ride a lesson horse/ride your friends' horses? 3. What is your favorite riding style? I was trained western when I first started, and for three years I did barrel racing, trail class, and western pleasure, but I hated it. I've always preferred English riding, but my parents didn't like it and insisted I ride western. I kept begging them to let me ride English, and they caved in and let me show in hunter under saddle. When I started riding at my friends' house about two years ago, my parents no longer had control of what kind of riding I did, so I switched to English and took up cross country jumping for fun. Do you guys ride English or western? What kind of riding sports do you take part in? 3. What is your favorite breed? I've had a lot of horses of all shapes, colors, breeds, and sizes, but my favorite have to be Thoroughbreds. I've never ridden a purebred Thoroughbred, but I've had two Appendix horses (Quarter Horse x Thoroughbred for those who don't know) and I remember both of them having lots of spunk, good endurance, and a love to run. I've also spent a day at a racetrack getting to work as a groom, and when I got to watch the Thoroughbreds exercise, I saw the same qualities I saw in my Appendix horses, which made me love them even more. I also think Haflingers are super cute, and they're very warm and huggable lol. How about you guys, what is your favorite breed?

I think that's about it. Give your own answers!

Submitted February 13, 2018 at 01:02PM by Technomancer_AO
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/comments/7xc6qa/questions_how_long_have_you_been_riding_do_you/?utm_source=ifttt

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