Tuesday, October 3, 2017

#horses - #Just looking for a touch of advice on getting the word out for horse training?

Just looking for a touch of advice on getting the word out for horse training?

I've been riding horses for about 8 yesrs now, training on my own. Giving lessons, giving trail rides, training horses and retraining for free last year (and one woman who insisted on paying me last year). I had a lot of offers to have me train horses last year but they were boarding clients who have since moved away, and some were trail clients who I don't have the contact of.

But I am finally coming to terms with the fact that I hate my current job and I have been looking for the courage to put myself out there. I genuinely love and seek to understand horses and how to more accurately listen to and communicate with them. The problem is, I don't have a barn or my own horses anymore. I'd be driving out to people's barns to come train. I just don't know how to get the word out about it and how much I will actually need in terms of training aids. I usually base my work off of figuring out issues on the ground, and I start with an untacked horse at liberty and slowly work my way up to tack and aids if I need them.

I also don't know how to get the word out. Facebook? Craigslist? I'm not sure how to word an ad without. And I hardly have any references-- the last barn I did a LOT of free training (did problem solving with 13 horses) and lessons for just had a falling out with my old coworker and I took her side on the issue, and due to this I don't think I can use them as a reference anymore. I hardly have any videos of me riding or training since I worked on my own free time and mostly alone.

So, any advice for me? Anything you can tell me is much appreciated x

Submitted October 03, 2017 at 07:43PM by 1-0-9
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/comments/7451u5/just_looking_for_a_touch_of_advice_on_getting_the/?utm_source=ifttt

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