Tuesday, September 5, 2017

#horses - #Green, previously abused horse bucking

Green, previously abused horse bucking

Hey guys so my friend acquired a horse: a Standardbred who was formerly a trotter, then abused by his previous owner. We don't know a hell of a lot about his past but he has only been ridden 7 times now and needs to be chased up to be caught. He was abandoned for about a year and then sat in a small paddock, completely untouched, for a few months. My friend guesses he is between 8 and 12 years old.

My question is this, since I'm new to green horses:

He is beginning to develop a habit of bucking, almost as a protest when I ask him to pick up trot. He kicks out, I ask again, and he bucks. No big deal, I'm not afraid. But I don't know how to deal with it. He doesn't fully understand that leg=go, so I've been tapping my boot with my whip as I squeeze. What are some things I can do to nip this in the bud before it becomes a habit?

He has been checked over fully, he is sound and healthy. On the ground he is fantastic and kind, not a problem at all.

Submitted September 05, 2017 at 08:12PM by PapercutsAndTaffy
via reddit http://ift.tt/2wEpHhj

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