Tuesday, August 15, 2017

#horses - #Amateur with a spirited, green horse: doomed to failure, or am I being too pessimistic?

Amateur with a spirited, green horse: doomed to failure, or am I being too pessimistic?

Officially on the hunt for a new horse, since my husband has taken to riding and taken over my mare.

I bought my mare when I'd just gotten back into riding after years away. She served me well and challenged me but she's below my level now and though I enjoy her greatly, I really want a challenge.

I have the option to buy a young (4 years) prospect. He's basically my dream horse, except he's extremely green and not by any means a beginners horse. I'm not a beginner but I'm no master either. He's had 30 days and knows his basics but he needs a lot of work. I've watched him grow up from birth and always liked his personality and attitude, ridden him a couple times and felt great but I'd need a lot of guidance to get him to what he could be. He has an immense amount of talent and potential; so much that it might be wasted on an amateur like me.

I'm worried that I might ruin him. Or that even with my trainer I might be in over my head. 10 years out of the game did a number on my confidence. My trainer has encouraged me to buy him, she says he's the kind of horse that doesn't come along often, and that of the horses she's had me on over the years, I have the best chemistry with this one. I adore him and my heart says yes, but I've heard so many horror stories when amateurs buy horses they can't handle.

At what point does challenging yourself and growing with a horse turn into foolish overconfidence and hubris? At what point do you choose head over heart about a horse, or visa versa?

Submitted August 15, 2017 at 02:51AM by the-umop-apisdn
via reddit http://ift.tt/2fIbR7s

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