Sunday, July 16, 2017

#horses - #How to send out a horse on the lunge who just wants to stand near me? And other liberty training...

How to send out a horse on the lunge who just wants to stand near me? And other liberty training...

I know the basics of lunging and that a lot of signals are sent via body language but I can't quite figure out how to motivate my horse on the lunge. He was previously trained to lunge before I bought him and some days he goes out great w/t/c in both directions. Then there are days where he gets stubborn and doesn't want to work and closes the circle to stand next to me. These days I can barely get him to walk out, let alone canter. I've tried both a lunge whip (tapping, but not actually whipping his hip) and a stick and string but he'll just stop and turn into me. I'm standing towards his hip, using the whip to encourage from behind. We are working on lunge training right now to work on balance and fitness for the days I can't ride.

Along these same lines, I think this horse will get bored easily and I would like to work on liberty and maybe trick training in addition to our goals for low level eventing. Does anyone have any good resources on how to get started?

Pony Tax! We went to our first ever show yesterday and he was great!

Submitted July 16, 2017 at 01:25PM by WinifredBarkle
via reddit

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