Tuesday, July 25, 2017

#horses - #Enrichment ideas for pony

Enrichment ideas for pony

Hi, I am a zookeeper and am looking for enrichment ideas for our pony. We honestly don't have the best situation for him; we have limited pasture space and no round pen, although we are in the process of trying to fix both of those problems.

In the past, he has had issues with colic and stomach ulcers. And he has also had several biting incidents with guests (he's in the "petting zoo" portion).

We are just looking for some ideas for some things to keep him entertained and let him expend some energy. We have several puzzle feeders and things of that nature, but they only occupy him for a few minutes at a time. And he does get a 30 minute walk every day. But aside from that we don't have much that we can do for him.

We are hoping to not spend very much money (it was a huge fight trying to get money for a round pen) but we have gotten very creative in the past with some other animals and generally have lots of other resources available.

We would certainly appreciate any ideas, and I'm sure Napoleon would too!

Submitted July 25, 2017 at 03:29PM by penguinluvinman
via reddit http://ift.tt/2uUSj5C

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