Monday, July 17, 2017

#horses - #24 hour notice for horse to leave property?

24 hour notice for horse to leave property?

I've been boarding one of my horses at a barn for close to 3 years. It's a private, small barn where the owners live on premises and there are only 3 other people boarding their horses there. I'm moving my horse to another facility that will fit him better and gave the barn owners notice a few days ago. I paid the board for the full month (its mid month to mid month) even though I want to move him sooner, as per the contract, and in case it doesn't work out at the barn he could come back. But, the new barn is hauling him (for free) and is only able to haul tomorrow morning. I found out now, and my current barn owner is saying he needs 24 hours notice for the horse to leave the property. Is this normal? I've never run into this before, and I feel like it's my horse and if I want to take it anywhere I should be able to, as long as the barn owner knows it will be gone so they don't think it was stolen/escaped. I don't think I should miss out on the hauling (and have to pay to have my horse hauled) because the barn owner wants 24 hour notice for the horse to leave. What do you think?

Submitted July 17, 2017 at 07:34AM by GillianZurrant
via reddit

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