Tuesday, May 16, 2017

#horses - #How do I get a job at a stable? I think I have a chance, but...

How do I get a job at a stable? I think I have a chance, but...

I know I dont have straight up experience with Horses; Never owned them, never lived that lifestyle. I was just always a horse fangirl since I was in preschool.

I'm 30, and have worked with animals and exotics in the past at a vet job, and I happen to know someone who works at the stable I would like to work at, which is how I discovered the place and got a small tour.

I'm not looking for a huge career change, just some part time work during the week in an environment I know is a good fit for me.

Any tips on how to break into this world? Youtube videos? interview and resume strategies? Anything would be appreciated! Thank you

Submitted May 16, 2017 at 04:58PM by technolux
via reddit http://ift.tt/2rogq7s

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