Sunday, April 9, 2017

#horses - #New to riding, and I just have to share my experience with the amazing horse that I'm fortunate enough to ride

New to riding, and I just have to share my experience with the amazing horse that I'm fortunate enough to ride

Hi everyone! Please forgive any faux pas in my post...I haven't posted here before and hope this is okay. I've only been riding for a few months and I admit I've been a bit frightened and nervous around the horses (adult rider, intimidated by their size etc.). However, something really special happened.

I had finished my lesson in the arena and was walking to cool down. My instructor had left me to go catch a horse for the next lesson (after making sure I was comfortable being left alone - there were other people around though). Out of no where a woman who boards at the facility came charging in and SCREAMED at me for a very minor thing (leaving a halter hung up in a stall while I was riding...which is what I was taught to do). Long story short I just sat there trying not to cry and she stormed off.

I dismounted right away and I was shaking. I hate confrontation and was really upset. I was just standing and stroking my horse trying to calm down (the most gentle and lovely morgan / quarter horse gelding). He seemed to really know what I was feeling and looked at me like he wanted permission to come into my personal space. I gave him the go ahead and he huffed a few breaths at my nose and then pressed his forehead against my chest and sighed. We stood there for a solid 5 minutes like that.

I know that I'm probably projecting human emotions on the horse but he was so calming and kind. I'm really appreciating how therapeutic these amazing animals are. <3

Anyway sorry for the long winded and silly story, I just wanted to share. And I'm happy to report that the mean lady was asked to find bording elsewhere as this wasn't her first incident.

Submitted April 09, 2017 at 11:32AM by howcomethatis
via reddit

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