Wednesday, April 26, 2017

#horses - #Help! Bit of advice!

Help! Bit of advice!

Just need a bit of advice. My horse is 100% sound and fully MOT'd. She's 6 years old and can be unconfident in some areas of work. She loves to jump, and if I put a straight jump higher that 1.5ft, she stops and drops her shoulder and I end up coming off as she's so forward into the jump; itd almost like a last minute panic for her. I need advice on how to stop this and encourage her that it's okay to jump this type of jump! She jumps them smaller than this, she jumps easily at 3ft, but just need guidance on helping her and me, over a straight! She lunges and free schools over them fine too.

Submitted April 26, 2017 at 11:36AM by SheWillOweYou16
via reddit

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