Saturday, February 4, 2017

So excited and happy!

So excited and happy!

My new guy has been here for almost a week and I think we're in the clear.

We couldn't load him in my 2h straight trailer, so I'll still need to work with him on that.

The first few days he was a bit anxious; he tested gates and was off his food and water. I was worried, but he mellowed (started eating about 10min after I called the vet, naturally) and we are now falling into our routine.

It's so nice to have him here. I like horses, and him in particular, more every day. I was a little uneasy at first, but it feels natural to work with him, which is a huge relief..

Thanks to everyone who helped out with my mental checklist. He goes in for a 30-45 day refresher in a few weeks and I'll be getting some lessons with him to back it up.

He is such a softie, I am glad I get to love on him and I'm looking forward to getting our working relationship started. Love it!

Question: What kind of stall entertainment do you provide your horses? He hasn't shown interest in a jolly ball; the previous barn he was at had plastic bottles hanging from the rafters. Thanks!

Submitted February 04, 2017 at 01:16AM by wild_oats
via reddit

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